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Tulsi Green Tea Benefits are Just Perfect to Add it to your Regimen



Tulsi or Basil is an Ayurvedic herb that is considered to be indispensable medicinally, therapeutically and culinary-wise. This herb has its origin mainly in India and some other countries also. The holy basil leaves have so many benefits that you can get healed from various disorders by consuming them simply by chewing, in dried form, fresh or powdered. The magical tulsi green tea benefits are among the reasons to drink it and include it in your regimen. 

Since basil or tulsi is known as the “Queen of herbs for their innumerable health benefits, so you can keep them in your daily diet. The best way of combining the goodness of tulsi is by including it in the foods that we eat or drink. Tulsi green tea is one such preparation that has obtained great remedial values and advantages. This tea has effective anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, stimulating as well as anti-stress properties that make it an apt choice for a beverage for healing naturally. 

What are the therapeutic properties of tulsi green tea: 

Countless complicated biochemical compounds including eugenol, urosli acid, carvacrol, apigenin, luteolin, and other flavonoids are bestowed upon Tulsi leaves. Apart from these, it also consists of powerful terpenes like linalool, limatrol, rosmarinic acid, propanoic acid, saponins and tannins. When you brew tulsi leaves in water, all of these vital phytochemicals are dripped into the water, making the tea an excellently rich healing concoction and among the purest, healthiest organic beverages. Essential nutrients like Vitamin A and C, calcium, zinc, iron and chlorophyll are also imbued in it. All of these are crucial in rebuilding the body and mind. 

So, sipping tulsi green tea can offer you numerous health benefits starting from balancing your senses to improving the immune system, glowing your skin, treating kidney stones and reducing stubborn body fats. This can only be possible when you buy green leaves online. You will get the best quality green tea at the best rates. Moreover, you can choose from a wide range of assorted tea bags and leaves. 

Below are some of the exciting reasons to include tulsi green tea in your regimen. 

Tulsi green tea wellness factors: 

·         Fights with infections: 

Among the many properties of tulsi green tea are its effective antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and antimicrobial natures. Since it contains plenty of flavonoids, terpenoids and phenolic acids, so you can get relief from various chronic and painful ailments easily by consuming this green tea type. It can also reduce the threat of rash caused due to detrimental pathogens and boost the health of the respiratory, nervous, dental and excretory systems. These astonishing qualities make tulsi tea one of the most preferred forms of a regular diet. 

·         Helps in controlling breathing problems: 

Tulsi leaves are strongly recommended by Ayurvedic medicine for treating breathing issues like asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, common cold and cough. Phytochemical compounds like eugenol, camphene and cineole present in tulsi green tea do magic as an expectorant that cleans out phlegm and mucus. Drinking warm tulsi tea daily facilitates improving respiratory health and also prevents colds from doing more damage to your respiratory system. Buy green tea bags online India to avail the best offers and the type of tea from the luring assortment at unbelievable prices. 

·         Keeps your heart healthy: 

Tulsi leaves have an ample amount of ursolic acid and other useful phytochemicals that have strong cardioprotective properties. These phytochemicals scavenge free radicals present in the blood and also prevent the coagulation of cholesterol on the blood walls. This helps in enhancing blood flow to all the crucial organs to maintain blood pressure. Moreover, minerals like potassium and calcium in tulsi green tea protects the heart from myocardial infarction, heart attack and oxidative stress. 


Green tea has multiple variants, of which tulsi-flavoured green tea can be considered one of the best. It is said not only for its health benefits but also for its delicious taste and flavour. By reading the piece you would be aware of some of its wellness factors, but there are more. These factors can help you in leading a healthy life. If you want to get the best kind of green tea, you can choose from the assorted flavoured green tea bags which are wonderfully packed and processed.



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