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Showing posts from August, 2022

5 Healthy Teas you should have during Monsoon

  Monsoon + Tea is a bond till eternity. Especially when we talk about India, just when it starts raining, the first beverage that comes to our mind is Tea. Not just the regular tea lovers, but even the non-regular tea drinkers say yes to a cup of tea. Having said that, the change in weather caused by Monsoon, or even when people get drenched in the rain, can lead to people falling ill. Cough, Cold & Fever are the most common illnesses we witness during the season. To beat those monsoon snuffles & stay healthy during the season, we have curated a list of 5 healthy teas, that you should give a try this monsoon 1)     Lemongrass Cinnamon Green Tea: With the benefits of Lemongrass and Cinnamon, the Lemongrass Cinnamon Green Tea is one of the healthy tea that you can have to beat the Monsoon Snuffles. Filled with antioxidants, this green tea helps fight cold & cough & is excellent for detoxing and boosting weight loss. 2)     Ginger ...

Is Green Tea Good for Diabetes Patients

  Introduction: In the past 2 decades, we have witnessed a massive change in lifestyle worldwide. The rising consumption of processed foods, refined carbohydrates & transfats, in addition to more screen time, less exercise, alcohol & tobacco consumption, and much more, has led to an increase in diabetes cases. Rising cases of diabetes have been a cause of worry throughout the world. As per a news published on Healthline around 11.2% of the Indian Population suffer from Diabetes. It is also expected that around 134 million people in India will be living with Diabetes by 2045.   The question that arises next is what can be done to prevent diabetes The obvious solution is to keep all the precautions and lead a healthy lifestyle. To lead a healthy lifestyle, what you consume daily matters a lot.   In this piece, we will discuss the importance of healthy drinks for diabetes patients, the health benefits of green tea for diabetes patients (backed by science), a b...

Why is Natural Green Tea So Special?

  Introduction: As per a report from the International Institute of Sustainable Development, tea is the second most consumed beverage in the world, after water. The dried leaves from the Camellia Sinesis bush are used to prepare almost all types of tea (herbal tea being an exception). Green Tea is prepared using unoxidised leaves and is amongst the least processed types of tea.  Why are people so much keen to have it? What is so special about it? We will try to find the reasons for it here. Why is green tea made using natural ingredients so special? The Green Tea prepared using 100% Natural Ingredients, gives you the best quality tea. This tea is a direct product of nature, and no artificial elements have been added to it. Moreover, the usage of only Whole Leaves to prepare Green Tea gives you the taste of tea in its most natural form. Green Tea is enriched with antioxidants that improve your brain function, lessen body fat, and lower the risk of a heart attack. Some other ben...

All About Green and Black Tea

  Tea is a widely consumed beverage throughout the world. A cup of tea is that magic drink which not only refreshes you but also boosts your overall energy enabling us to perform our work with ease. Not only that but there are also other health benefits that we get by drinking tea. Speaking of Tea loaded with health benefits, two of the most popular healthy teas are Green Tea & Black Tea . Both are very much liked by people throughout the world not only for their amazing tastes but also for their nutritional values. In this piece, we’ll decode both these teas, some of their health benefits & the differences. ●         How are Green tea & Black Tea Prepared : Camellia sinensis is the plant, the leaves that are the source of both types of teas. But the main difference lies in the processing of the types of teas. For producing black tea, the leaves are plucked and crumbled and then left to get oxidized. The longer the process, the da...

Himalayan Green Tea - Health Benefits & How To Prepare it

  A treasure from Himalayan Green Tops, the Himalayan Green Tea has some of the best endowments in nature. With a fresh & mellow flavour coupled with earthy & oral undertones, this tea refreshes both your mind & body. Low in caffeine and rich in antioxidants, the Himalayan Green Tea is filled with plenty of health benefits. Some of them are as follows-:   1)     Supports Heart Health: Green Tea is loaded with polyphenols &catechins. These antioxidants improve blood circulation in the body and lower the risk of blood clots & heart attacks. Green Tea also lowers LDL cholesterol, which is linked to heart diseases. As per a study in Japan, people who drank Green Tea had up to 30 per cent lower risks of heart stroke. 2)     Helps in Weight Loss: The most commonly associated benefit with Green Tea is its effectiveness in speeding up weight loss. The catechins present in Green Tea boost metabolism, increase energy levels ...